
Curriculum Vitae§

I would define myself as a mathematics enthusiast whose heart was stolen by Linux. Since I started modelling complex systems with specialized languages like Maple and Matlab, I understood the universe of possibilities that was opening before me. Soon, I was trying more general-purpose languages like R or Python, and today, I can’t resist using the latest language out of the basement of any American college. A fan of trying and failing and breaking and fixing things, I started working primarily as a data scientist, shifting with years to mentoring and team management. I’m a puzzle-lover looking for stimulating work to keep me feeling in shape.


  • Python AI Specialist at Técnicas Reunidas

    12/2023 - now

    Management of the development team for creating LLM-based applications and deploying to mixed servers (in-house and cloud).

  • Technical Consultant and Developer at Energyworx

    12/2022 - 10/2023
  • Quantitative Analyst at Quant AI Lab

    03/2021 - 12/2022
    • PDF OCR.

      Python OpenCV Docker

    • Documentation automation through Confluence API.

      Python Sphinx

    • ALM and IRRBB models validation and compliance.

      Python VBA

    • QALM (ALM platform) implementation.

      Groovy VBA

    • Fund Transfer Pricing framework definition.
  • Credit Risk Analyst at Banco Santander

    4/2020 - 03/2021
    • Gitlab to Github migration.

      Git Bash

    • ALM and IRRBB models validation and compliance.

      Python Scipy Statsmodels Matplotlib R

    • Validation report automation.

      Latex Python

  • Junior Data Scientist at Banco Santander

    01/2019 - 04/2020

    A training programme that involved rotating through 3 working groups.

    • Hacking lab to analyse penetration strategies impact.

      KVM Bash Python

    • WebUI and API for fuzzy searching documents contents and metadata.

      Docker Flask Elasticsearch

    • Python library to convert JSON formatted data into Microsoft Office Documents.

      Python VBA

    • Cleansing and structuring the electronical devices inventory database.

      Dask Splunk

    • Cibersecurity alerts and breaches report.

      SQL PowerBI Crowdstrike

    • Financial derivatives risk coefficients certification automation.

      Pandas Pytorch PowerBI

    • WebUI explaining financial derivatives risk coefficients estimation.

      Dash Dask

    • WebUI comparing portfolio risk evaluation mechanisms.

      Dash Spark

    • LSTM model to generate stress-test scenarios for financial derivatives risk coefficients.

      Numpy Pandas Keras

  • Intern at Banco Santander

    04/2018 - 01/2019
    • Financial derivatives risk coefficients evaluation.

      Xarray Python

    • GUI explaining default risk estimation in Counterparty Risk modelling.

      TKinter RShiny

    • Definition and implementation of Call Money Swaps risk modelling



  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • Physics degree 2018

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • Arquitecture degree (unfinished) 2013

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Courses and certifications§

  • Effective programming in Scala 2022

    École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

  • Microsoft

  • Quantum computing introduction (200 h.) 2021

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

  • IBM

  • Web development introduction (120 h.) 2019

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Side projects§

  • Use Sphinx for your personal website

  • Master's thesis

    Classical machine learning algorithms to anticipate prognosis in emergency department patients


    • Innovation unit of Hospital San Carlos de Madrid
  • Classical ML models to detect faulty water pumps in developing countries

  • Crypto trading bot

    Track cryptocurrencies prices and train trading strategies dynamically to detect profitable trades.

Aptitudes and skills§

  • Python

  • Latex

  • MS Office

  • Linux

  • Front-end

  • Teamwork

  • Enthusiast

  • R

  • Matlab

  • SQL

  • GCP

  • MongoDB

  • Communicative

  • Scala

  • C

  • C++

  • Go

  • Rust